Practice means getting the child to do the behavior over and over again. That practice builds habits, literally changing the brains. This changes the behaviour of the child. Simulation increases practice.
Simulation consists of changing behavior in a game-like, Role-play and pretend situations. That is using game-like techniques and artificial conditions to change the child behavior.
How is simulation done?
• Choose a time of the day when everyone is calm and there is no tension or argument.
• Go to the child and say Kofi , I have a game I want to show you.
• it’s called the …. game.
• It’s just to pretend and here is how it works:
I am going to tell you that you can’t do something. I will say you can’t watch TV tonight, but this is just pretend, you can really watch TV later. I just want to pretend that you can’t do it.
Simulation procedure
1. Select the behavior you want to change.
Think about how you can make that into a game.
2. Explain the game to your child, and when you do this lean over, smile, call it pretend and choose a time when everyone is calm.
3. Right after you explain the rules, play the game and run through it in a common scenario.
4. When your child practices the behavior in the game, you praise him very enthusiastically.
5. Then we give them a playfulchallenge to encourage more practice.
#ParentingGhanaTip17 #ParentingTipsGhana #ChildPsychologyGhana #Praisingkids #dakotaedutablets
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