Concept of Parenting

Tip 24: Sharpening how to deliver messages to your kids, part 2

It is very painful when our kids do not comply to our instruction. We start nagging and this leads to strife and stress thereby spoiling relationship with the kid. We need to perfectly prompt our kids.

1.Add the word please to your prompt. When using please, your tone becomes gentle and also implies choice. So using please offers two prompts. Please must be said well and not angrily like pleaaaase.

2.Offer assistance or little help. Kwasi Mensah, please let us start your homework. Elom, take your bow, get your food and let us have dinner. Providing assistance to start an activity or behavior can help.

3.Using a playful challenge can increase compliance when the child is not yielding. You can say with a laugh: Adinah, I bet you can’t do that twice in a row. Haha, I bet you can’t read this book. This will challenge your child to do more. Saying no child can do that twice will motivate the child to do more to break record. Most children respond and say they can do that again. Be moderate when using this else it can create egos in children, thinking they are superior than any human being.

4.Don’t give too many prompts at a time, it is called nagging.

5.Always praise your kids for putting on good behavior

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