How much of the 8GB/16GB/32GB of internal memory is user-accessible?

The official storage is 8GB/16GB/32GB but Amazon OS has already used some storage space.

  1. 1)Amazon Kindle Fire 8GB (5.62 GB of internal storage available to user). This limits the lessons programmed with the nursery and KG lessons. For complete educational lessons onto the tablet, there should be at least a 16GB SD card inserted to the tablet.
  2. 2) Amazon Kindle Fire 16GB (10.54 GB of internal storage available to user). After the educational lessons are programmed onto the tablet, there is 2.37GB storage space left of the Amazon Fire 16GB.
  3. 3) Amazon Kindle Fire 32GB (26.48 GB of internal storage available to user). After the educational lessons are programmed onto the tablet, there is 17.46 GB storage space left of the Amazon Fire 32GB.


1) At least a portion of all apps and games go on the internal storage. Some apps/games allow portions to be installed on the sd card.

2) Apps/games run best when all of it is installed on internal storage – this is more the case when you get into larger sd cards (32GB+).

3) If you keep the sd card in all the time, no issues. But if the sd card is swapped out from time to time to put another one in that has movies, or music or whatever on it, then any apps/games on the sd card will not be available. All the content is on the external when sd card is inserted.

4) Always try to keep 2+gb free on your device.

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Category: 1. Amazon Kindle Fire Kids Tablets

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