
Concept of Parenting

Parenting is a systematic and scientific acts and processes that parents use to rear children in order to decrease negative behaviors and increase postive behaviors towards total child development. This can be achieved by using different parenting styles, antecedents, procedures, techniques, role modeling and consequences.

Parenting is systematic because it must be consistent:  you consistently do it till the behavior becomes a habit, then you stop and work on another behavior. Parenting needs consistency in practice. Routine parenting techniques are random and often inconsistent.

Parenting  is scientific because good parenting takes techniques, styles and procedures from scientific research or method. There have been so many studies and papers on a ‘workable’ parenting techniques.

The word ‘parent’  in the difination comprises both biological and non biological parents such as guardians, teachers, custodians, pastors, neighbors,  uncles, aunts etc. Parents must work on themselves because they are normally the subject or antecedents and the child being the object or the ‘other’. There are sets of techniques to fine tune parents behaviors in parenting.

The term ‘Children’ in the definition refers to children from 0 to 18 years old: made up of preschoolers and (pre) adolescents. And there are normal, strong willed and challenged children. Therefore different techniques must be used on different children.  Child development involves social, language, thought, emotional changes in children, as they grow to adulthood.

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The term ‘behaviors’ in the definition is the way in which the child acts or conducts itself, especially towards others . There are negative and positive behaviors. Negative behaviors have its own sets of parenting styles or techniques to decrease it. Positive behaviors have its own techniques of maintaining, developing or increasing it. There are techniques that work on both negative and positive parenting.

Increasing positive behavior in children means developing or increasing  desirable behaviors such as doing homework, clearing the dinner table after eating, sleeping and waking up on time, reading bible before sleeping, going to church, etc

Decreasing negative behavior in the definition means eliminating or reducing undesirable behaviors such as insults, bullying other kids, fighting, swearing,  sinning etc


Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

(Proverbs 22:6 KJV)

Kids must be trained in knowledge and practice when parenting them. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 ) God commands us to train our children to behave.  Parents must also be trained to offer excellent training to the kids

We are going to offer several training techniques in the coming days


List some of the positive Behaviors you want to see in your kids

List some of the negative behaviors you don’t want to see in your kids

List the opposit of negative behavior you have listed

Which behaviors, negative or positive,  should parents focus on or ignore and why?

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